AIA Columbus Chapter Meetings

AIA Columbus hosts eight chapter meetings per calendar year. These meetings typically include a reception, a business meeting, and a Continuing Education presentation to keep our members informed and connected to the architectural community around them. 

This year, 2011, AIA Columbus centered the chapter meetings around the concept “Design in the Midwest and the Midwestern City.”

Design in the Midwest Logo

January 18, 2011 – “Sustainable Design for Health, Productivity and the Environment
Presented by Vivian Loftness, FAIA 

February 15, 2011 – “Midwestern Cities at a Turning Point – Finding the Way Forward” or “Reshaping the Midwestern City”
Presented by Lavea Brachman and Ann Pendleton-Julian 

March 15, 2011 – “Addressing Urban Issues and Opportunities: The 3-C Design Centers”
Presented by principles of Three Neighborhood Design Centers from Columbus, Cincinatti and Cleveland 

April 21, 2011 – “Creating Choices and Improving Quality of Life Through Repair and Redevelopment: Tools for Columbus and Ohio”
Presented by Galina Tachieva 

May 17, 2011 – “Design Leadership in Ohio”
Presented by Mike Schuster, Mary Rogero and Tim Hawk 

June 28, 2011 – “An Eye on the ED”
Presented by Frank Zilm 

September 20, 2011 – “The New Design Economy”
Presented by Stephen Fiskum, AIA 

October 18, 2011 – “A Dialogue with Architecture Critic Blair Kamin of the Chicago Tribune”
Presented by Blair Kamin, Moderated by Robert Livesey, FAIA, of the Knowlton School of Architecture 

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