ARE Study Group

RSVP to [email protected].

ARE Study Group Website

Whether you are just starting your ARE process or nearing your final exam, the AIA Columbus ARE study group is a valuable resource for exam preparation.  Each session will focus on a particular exam but also allow time for questions on other subject matter.  The study group can also help you find free online study materials and you will have access to the AIA Columbus library of materials.  We can also help connect you with an experienced advisor in your specific area of requested help to point you in the right direction.  The AIA Columbus study group is free and open to both members and non-members.  The February session will cover Construction and Evaluation.  Attendees will also have an opportunity to discuss questions from other exams as needed.

Advanced registration is recommended.

ARE Study Group is supported by AIA Cincinnati

When: Sunday, February 18, 2024
Time: 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Where: Online Meeting.  Details will be sent prior to meeting

RSVP to Rachel at [email protected]

AIA Columbus also has ARE 5.0 study materials available for test takers to borrow. We have study guide books and flashcards. Please contact [email protected] to see which items are available. 

AIA Ohio has a digital lending library that is a FREE member benefit for all current AIA Ohio members.  To sign in, use your AIA number for your Card Number.  This will give you access to the content curated specifically for AIA Ohio. Click here to start reading.

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