EMERGENCY! Design for Stressed Futures COTE Charrette Final Boards
To read about the project overview and more about our jury, click here.
For pictures from the charrette day, click here.
Mitchell Joachim
PhD, Assoc AIA, Lead JurorMichael Berning
PE, CEM, LEED AP, BD+CBeth Blostein
RA, Assoc ProfDavid Brehm
Overall jury comments:
- All teams could use further articulation on sustainable solutions.
- Jury struggled with what a sustainable project would look like in space- remediation of the earth?
- The jury felt that prioritizing design in the solutions was important. Design has a unique role and ability to solve complex problems and the jury favored schemes that demonstrated this approach.
Congratulations to our winning team, Kiribati, with Ryan Newman, Jay Gopal, Yuno Kim, and Andrew Heathfield!
Jury comments:
- They got to the details of the project by showing a section of their proposal.
- This team had the most bells and whistles.
- More design development and consideration than the other proposals
- Thought about all the systems; freshwater lagoons, reusing ships, coral reef creation
- We like that this team talked about preserving the culture.
- This team has the most graphics that describe how this proposal will work.
- They designed for human needs and ecological needs
- They consider how to move forward.
- This submission is more tectonic than the rest.

Honorable Mention goes to Journal of Dr. Dorothy Halprin, MD, with Sam Ludwig, Elizabeth Leidy, Sam Yu, and Chris Laster.
Jury comments:
- Creative use of the study on calcifying bones as a substance to use
- Great use of today’s technology – batteries, lightning, wave energy etc.
- This team thoroughly attacked the situation; fighting fires, storing energy, water filtration, food, etc.
- Good ideas and concept but is it giving me the desire to live?
- They have engineered a solution but now they need to work on the design.
- Nice map of network and how it could be extended.
- Most compelling conceptual diagrams of all the entries.
- The architecture was diagrammatically interesting, but under-developed

The Final Frontier – Escape Pod
Kai Raab, Mike Schulte, and Charity Sims
Jury Comments:
- Clever reuse of nuclear warheads for propulsion
- The concept was strong but the presentation didn’t make a strong case for a future role of design.
- Needed more development and detail to be a convincing solution, particularly in the living accommodations.

Jiffy Pop – Escape Pod
James Brennan, Paul Carney, Matthew Anderle, and Matthew Hallal
Jury Comments:
- Good idea of reusing materials to build the escape pods
- The escape pod idea is good.
- The design does not seem to correspond well with the narrative.

EXODUS: Building a New World – Escape Pod
Meiquian Zhou, Neil Austin, Sean Barrett, Hannah Namenyi, Alice Smejkalova, and Pei Wang
Jury Comments:
- Very systematic
- Creative story
- Good use of many disciplines
- Needed more development to be a convincing solution.
- It seems somewhat inappropriate to spread out across Mars having pushed Earth past its capacity.