The Intersection of Evidence-Based Design and Eco-Effective Design – June 17, 2010

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Bill Rostenberg, FAIA is a Principal and Director of Research at Anshen + Allen in San Francisco. Bill was named by Healthcare Design Magazine as one of the “Twenty Five Most Influential People in Health Facility Design,” for the past two years and was elevated to Fellowship in the American Institute of Architects in 2001 for his notable contributions in advancing the practice standards of architecture. Bill currently serves as the AIA’s liaison representative to the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA).

At the June 17th presentation, Bill Rostenberg, FAIA will bridge the perceived gap between Evidence-Based and Sustainable Design. Both trends have had a significant impact on recent healthcare architecture, but they are generally executed separately and in some instances are considered at odds with one another. Case studies and tools will be introduced that allow an analysis of strategies, indications of where the two topics conflict, and measured values of best practices to help provide structure through which design teams can effectively integrate them into the design process. 

1 HSW SD AIA Learning Unit.


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