Meet Kimberly Dowdell, AIA, NOMA

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Meet 2022 AIA Columbus Architecture Awards Jury Chair Kimberly Dowdell, AIA, NOMA!  We will hear from Kimberly about AIA and the future of the profession.

Kimberly Dowdell, AIA, NOMA, will be the 100th President of AIA.

Kimberly’s platform as AIA President will be ensuring there is space for minority architects at every level of AIA. She has outlined her intentions to “create access to opportunities,” “foster greater opportunities for leadership,” “build upon the legacy of long-time members,” in her #AllinforNOMA initiative. Kimberly was President of the National Organization of Minority Architects (NOMA) from 2019-2020.

“As the 295th living Black woman to earn an architectural license in the U.S., I am keen to help young women and people of color,” said Ms. Dowdell, who will be the first black woman president of AIA.

In addition, her platform includes initiatives such as supporting the business of design, making architecture more accessible to all, meeting our obligation to future generations regarding climate action, and navigating the future of design work with advances in technology.

An architect determined to make the world a better place, Kimberly is based in Chicago with global design firm, HOK. Hailing from Detroit, her educational path includes Detroit Public School: Burns Elementary, Gibson School, Cranbrook Kingswood, Cornell, and Harvard, where she was a Sheila C. Johnson Leadership Fellow.

September 23, 2022 via Zoom
12-1 PM
Earn 1.0 LU

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