Letter from the President


Fellow Members,

It’s been a privilege to serve as your 2021 AIA Columbus Chapter president, and I’m optimistic the best is yet to come.  

AIA Columbus is well represented at AIA Ohio, AIA National, and on Design Review boards throughout our region.  Our strategic plan is aligned with local interests and the national platform.  Our committees have expanded their reach and impact, and are recognized nationally for exceptional programming.  We are engaged with government representatives advocating for the issues that impact our profession most.  It’s been an unprecedented year for honors with Ohio’s first National Firm Award, and other notable awards for individuals and projects.  Financially we finished in the black through careful stewardship of funds.  We have a great staff and high volunteer involvement.  Membership is strong and climbing, and we are building connections with students and future architects through scholarships and outreach. 

We face challenges as an industry;  the effects of a lingering pandemic, supply chain uncertainty, a changing climate, and an equity gap to bridge.  Many of these challenges can best be addressed by coming together, sharing knowledge and strengthening our ties to the broader community.  Collectively we have the power to drive positive change through the projects we design and the causes we champion.  I encourage you to share your expertise and increase your impact.

Our Chapter’s mission is to provide advocacy, leadership and resources to you, so you can design a better world.  Please let us know how we can best support you.  Thank you for your membership, time and energy.   

Here’s to a great 2022!

Aleks Daskalov, AIA
2021 AIA Columbus Chapter President 

AIA Columbus is a visionary membership organization providing advocacy, leadership, and resources to architects to design a better world.

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