LEED Green Associate Exam Prep: April 23, 2010

AIA Columbus will be hosting a full-day LEED Green Associate Exam Prep course on Friday, April 23, 2010 from 9am until 5pm at the Center for Architecture. The course will be taught by Green Education Services.

The U.S. Green Building Council has made a number of recent changes to the LEED examination required for accreditation. Green Associate is the Tier 1 achievement within the USGBC’s new LEED 2009 three-tiered accreditation sytem, and signifies a strong knowledge base of the principles of LEED Sustainable Design without the technical knowledge requirements of LEED AP+. 

Why should you attend this seminar?

  1. Unless you have past experience on a LEED project OR are employed in a sustainable field of work, it is a mandatory requirement that you attend a Green Associate Seminar before USGBC will issue you a LEED test date.
  2. All AIA members who attend the seminar will receive 8 Learning Units, 4 of which fulfill the Sustainable Design requirement.


Green Education Services’ LEED Certification Exam Prep will give you:

  • Eligibility to sit for the LEED Green Associate Exam
  • Information required to prepare for and pass the various LEED exams
  • FREE repeat attendance- before your exam or after if necessary
  • Interaction with experienced LEED AP Instructors
  • Full length practice exams written by the USGBC item writers
  • Valuable CEUs
  • Supplemental materials and printout of the Powerpoint
  • Descriptions of how to get your projects LEED Certified   

Visit www.greenedu.com to learn more.

Register by phone at 1-800-355-1751 or online here.


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