February Design Lecture 2022

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Join us for our February Design Lecture: Speculative Futures: Human, Machine in the Autonomous City on February 8!

The lecture explores the role of architecture in relation to emerging technologies–from autonomous vehicles and robots to machine vision, navigation systems and simulations–are reconfiguring the relationship between human beings and machines in space. Rather than considering architecture as a passive, fixed container for actions or interactions between humans and non-humans, Nowak’s projects show architecture as a necessary component and an active participant in those spatial negotiations. Nowak’s investigations are concerned with the scale of the human body and its immediate environment and the urban scale implication of new forms of mobility and transportation such as EV vehicles and Hyperloop. Nowak’s projects aim to offer a better understanding of the changing conditions of ‘space’ in light of rapid technological developments in recent years, while challenging conventional definitions of architecture as a physical material structure.

Marta Nowak is the Christos Yessios Digital Fabrication Assistant Professor of Architecture at Knowlton School at Ohio State University. She is a registered architect and a founding principal of AN.ONYMOUS- a transdisciplinary design firm that focuses on speculative approaches towards architecture and urbanism in relation to science and technology. Her firm has been a consultant to CityLab, Hyperloop Transportation Technology and NASA JPL.  Before joining OSU, she was a Technology Innovation Lead at Google R+D for the Built Environment. Nowak’s research centers around the relationship between human body and machine, looking specifically at mobility, micro-spaces, and prosthetic technology. Marta Nowak holds a Bachelor of Arts from College of St. Catherine, MN and Master of Architecture from Harvard University Graduate School of Design.

February 8, 2022
12 PM via Zoom
Earn 1.0 LU|HSW
Member: Free
Non-Member: $10

Details will be sent prior to meeting via Eventbrite

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