Exploring Accessory Dwelling Units: A Comprehensive Study


Are Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) a viable solution to address the affordable housing challenges in Central Ohio and beyond? Part 2 of a three-part series delves into the world of ADUs, their potential impact on housing affordability, and the various legal and architectural considerations surrounding these units. In addition to exploring the local context of Central Ohio, we will also examine ADU initiatives in Portland, Seattle, and Los Angeles. Furthermore, we will shed light on the ongoing ADU study conducted by Jonathan Barnes Architecture and Design in Columbus.

This series is sponsored by the Committee on Design.

This is a hybrid event with in-person and online options available.  

November 16, 2023
12-1 PM
Earn 1.0 LU|HSW

AIA Members and Allied Members: $10
Associate Members and Students: $5
Non-Members: $20

Register Here.

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