AIA Columbus Hosts Accessory Dwelling Unit Series

The AIA Columbus Committee on Design hosted a 3-part series focusing on Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs).  At session 1, we learned about 2022 AIA Columbus Honor Award winner Huron Studio.  Yvonne Riggie and Dessa Augsburger shared their experiences in working with the Columbus building department to design and build an ADU on their property.  Session 2 featured Kevin Wheeler from the City of Columbus and Jonathan Barnes, FAIA, Kayla Mahoney, AIA, and Fontyne Pagán, AIA, from JBAD who shared information about Columbus’ zoning code and the ADU Pilot Program in Columbus. The third session in this series was a charrette where attendees were asked to design their own ADUs.  Many attendees drew and modeled designs for ADUs that could fit on their own property.  Thank you to Aimée Moore, Assoc. AIA, and Yvonne Riggie for organizing this series!

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