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Join our AIA Columbus Academy of Architecture for Health (AAH) at their next committee meeting on March 31!
The AAH March meeting will focus on Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASC). Recent trends for ASCs include labor shortages and site-of-care shifts. One of the site-of-care shifts involves moving more complex procedures to ASCs. We will look at the advisory metric diagrams of current procedures at an ASC and where we may see growth. We will also hear from a couple of physicians about their experiences working in a hospital setting and ASC. Finally, we will discuss the use of SpaceMed—a great tool for architects designing clinics and ambulatory surgery centers.
March 31, 2023
7:30 AM via Zoom
Earn 1.0 LU|HSW
Free and everyone is welcome.
Details will be sent prior to meeting via Eventbrite
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