2023 AIA Columbus Annual Meeting


In-person registration has ended but we encourage you to attend online. If you have any questions, please email [email protected].

The AIA Columbus 2023 Annual Meeting will feature Columbus City Council President Shannon Hardin. We will hear about the future of Columbus focusing on affordable housing, transportation, infrastructure, and creating equitable neighborhoods.

About Shannon Hardin: Born and raised on the south side of Columbus, Council President Shannon Hardin is committed to building an equitable future that works for every resident in our city. As Columbus grows, Council President Hardin is focused on fostering an inclusive economy by partnering to build mass transit and affordable housing, empowering small and minority businesses, and providing youth with pathways to the middle class. Regardless of the issue, Council President Hardin views public policy through the saying, “If it’s not for all, then it’s not for us.”

Based on his own experience going to Columbus City Schools and graduating college with six-figures of student debt, Council President Hardin developed the Columbus Promise – an initiative to allow Columbus City School graduates to attend Columbus State Community College for free. Council President Hardin worked with Columbus State, Columbus City Schools, and “I Know I Can” to create a free, guaranteed pathway for Columbus students to get a credential or degree.

Council President Hardin believes that investing in transportation and infrastructure connects residents to jobs, education, and healthcare. As Co-Chair of the “Insight2050 Corridor Concepts Initiative”, Council President Hardin led a collaborative effort to analyze what focusing new housing and business growth along high-capacity transit corridors could mean for our region’s economy, health, and environment. This study has gained traction as the vision for Columbus’ future and has evolved into “LinkUS Columbus”, a collaborative initiative to develop advanced rapid transit and transportation options near housing and jobs.

Understanding the racial inequities that impact Columbus communities every day, Council President Hardin worked with former Mayor Coleman to create Columbus’s “My Brother’s Keeper initiative”, which aims to reduce opportunity gaps for young men of color through city-wide goals, service provider coordination, and collective action. Understanding that black men were disproportionately burdened by marijuana laws, Council President Hardin and Councilmember Shayla Favor spearheaded a two-part marijuana justice package: decreasing penalties for low-level marijuana possession and supporting record-sealing services to get formerly incarcerated residents back into safe housing and good-paying jobs. As a result of state and city action, City Attorney Zach Klein will no longer prosecute low-level marijuana offenses.

Over the years, Council President Hardin has stepped up to lead big projects for the Columbus community. Led by President Hardin, Council placed a bundle of reforms recommended by a citizen-led commission to improve Council’s accountability and neighborhood representation on the ballot. These changes overwhelmingly passed in May of 2018. Similarly, Council President Hardin drove the effort to nearly double public support for arts, which will improve family access to Columbus’ cultural gems while stabilizing civic treasures such as the Lincoln Theater, the King Arts Complex, and other historic arts establishments.

This is a hybrid event with online and in-person options available.

October 3, 2023

12-12:30 PM Lunch and Business Meeting
12:30-1:30 PM The Future of Columbus featuring City Council President Shannon Hardin

Members: Free
Non-Members: $20

Earn 1.0 LU|HSW

The Center for Architecture and Design
50 W Town St, Suite 110, Columbus, OH 43215

Register Here.

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