Wyandot Memorial Hospital

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Join us on May 10 to learn more about the Wyandot Memorial Hospital Surgery Addition and Outpatient System!  Presented by the AIA Columbus Academy of Architecture for Health.

The rural community healthcare landscape is often filled with stories of downtrodden community hospitals. While being a rural system is not easy, success stories do exist. Hear about how Wyandot Memorial Hospital utilized a renovation to their surgery department and outpatient network to modernize their infrastructure and facilities and provide cutting edge medical care while improving the design for their community and their patients.  This session will focus on the best practice improvements to a rural community hospital operations and design that contribute to the health and safety of their patients as well as how to translate this to the outpatient environment.

May 10, 2022 at noon via Zoom
Earn 1.0 LU | HSW
Member, Associate Member, or Student: Free
Non-Member: $10

Details will be sent prior to meeting.

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