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Join us on May 13 at noon for an interactive session!
This webinar course is the first of the Materials Matter: The Big Idea series by AIA. This will be an interactive course where attendees will view the webinar, then go to breakout rooms, via Zoom, to discuss how to talk to clients about materials and how to select better materials for buildings in the Columbus market.
Material selection is a core service provided by architects, but that process is far from simple. The Materials Matter series untangles the complexities of that process in five essential courses. The key? Materials transparency. When you know everything you can about the materials you use, you’re able to make the best product decisions for projects, people, and the environment. The courses cover different types of impacts, and best practices for reducing these impacts, from industry-best instructors.
You wouldn’t buy a car without checking its gas mileage, so why wouldn’t you want to know what goes into your building? In this course, you’ll learn about the potential health and environmental impacts of the products that go into our buildings. You’ll also look at key drivers pushing transparency in the marketplace including client demand and green rating systems.
May 13 at noon
Earn 1.5 LU|HSW
AIA Members, Allied Members, and Students – Free
Non-member guests – $10
Details will be sent prior to meeting.