Sustainable Design in Ohio

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Join us on February 5 for a look at the AIA Columbus Honor Award winners and a discussion about sustainability efforts in Ohio!

The AIA Columbus Architecture Awards recognizes achievement across a broad range of architectural activity in order to elevate the standard of excellence for architectural practice in our region and to honor the architects, clients, interior designers, engineers, and many other consultants who work very hard to realize these great projects and improve the built environment.

This year the honor award winners are all sustainable projects, from the off-the-grid “hut”, an adaptive-reuse research and development center, to a LEED Gold university facility. We will learn how to design award-winning sustainable projects, plus discuss sustainability efforts in Ohio and the Midwest.

February 5 at noon.

Earn 1.0 LU|HSW

AIA Members, Allied Members, and Students – Free

Non-member guests – $10

Details will be sent prior to meeting.

Register here.

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