Register here. Email [email protected] or call 614-469-1973 if you are interested in attending.

We recognize that Fellowship in AIA is not the capstone to a career but rather a platform for leadership and mentorship, understanding that Fellows can assist others in achieving excellence. With that in mind, several Fellows will present how leadership in our profession might lead one toward Fellowship. We will discuss what Fellowship means, the various paths one might take to achieve it, and offer guidelines toward making a submission. Fellows from around the region will be available to answer questions, such as: How will I know whether I’m ready? What is the process of submission? Who will guide me?
January 24, 2020
Noon – 1:30 p.m.
Free and lunch is included!
Earn 1.5 LU
The Center for Architecture and Design
50 West Town Street, Suite 110
Columbus, OH 43215