Rainbow Center for Women and Children Project Presentation

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Join us for a presentation on 2019 AIA Columbus Architecture Merit Award winner, UH Rainbow Center for Women and Children presented by the AIA Columbus Academy of Architecture for Healthcare!  Lindsey Freel and Chris Petrow will share how this project required collaboration with community groups to form the program and services for a health care facility.

With a mission to provide close-to-home, high-quality health care, the new University Hospitals Rainbow Center for Women and Children provides pediatric primary care, women’s health, OB/GYN services, pregnancy and parenting classes, and additional community resources for over 40,000 patients per year. The layout was based on an innovative team-based care delivery model. In addition to UH medical services, the UH Rainbow Clinic houses a Women, Infants and Children clinic, dental office, and medical legal aid office, holistically supporting the needs of the surrounding community within a single building envelope.

Located along Euclid Avenue, a storied street in Cleveland’s history, the site for the clinic was selected to ensure efficient access for its most vulnerable patients. The design embraces the history of Cleveland’s first streets and infrastructure, implemented on a rotated grid facing the lakefront. Euclid Avenue is a major street within this grid. East of 55th street, the urban fabric shifts along a direct East-West axis. The angled recess of the building envelope, as well as the interior floor plan, are designed to elegantly reflect the transition in the street layout, while welcoming clients as they travel Euclid Avenue. The center is immediately adjacent to public transit, sitting as a gateway/anchor building to the emerging Midtown mixed-use district.

July 1 at noon via Zoom

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AIA Members, Allied Members, and Students – Free

Non-member guests – $10

Details will be sent prior to the meeting via EventBrite.

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Photo credit:  Cory Klein Photography – [email protected]

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