Munch and Earn: Allocating Risks Through Professional Practice Management and Contract Terms & Conditions

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This session addresses the essentials of risk avoidance, risk allocation, and risk reduction in professional practice, directly affecting design professionals in their daily practice and public Health, Safety, and Welfare. In addition, the program will identify contract essentials in professional agreements with clients and consultants, including written versus verbal agreements, available forms of agreements, and the all-important scope of services. Through case studies and best practices, presenters will illustrate how contract language can establish the rights and duties of the architect and the owner on any project relating to the Standard of Care, Indemnification, Scope of Services, Dispute Resolution, and Health, Safety, and Welfare provisions.

Brad Bush specializes in the coordination of risk management services for commercial clients and primarily focuses on the insurance needs of architects, engineers, and land surveyors. With over 20 years in the insurance industry, Brad has a background that spans underwriting, risk transfer, coverage analysis, premium development and marketing. Brad joined the agency in 2001 after 13 years at Wells Fargo and American International Group (AIG).

December 2, 2022
12-1 PM
Lunch will be provided.

Earn 1.0 LU|HSW
Members, Sponsors, Students: Free
Non-Members: $10

The Center for Architecture and Design
50 W Town St, Suite 110
Columbus, OH 43215

Register here.

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