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Presented by TAP Committee
Drone and Lidar use advance data gathering similar to when the calculator replaced the slide rule. The math was the samethe results much more efficient. Learn how Heapy Engineering and Woolpert are impacting the AEC Industry through advanced aerial imagery programs. Upwards of 85% of buildings standing in 2030 already exist today. Therefore, to meet future energy standards (ie: the carbon-neutral goal of the 2030 Challenge), we need to wage a massive campaign to upgrade our current building stock. Drones and Lidar are powerful tools to enhance energy efficiencies and identify which buildings to prioritize.
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
5 p.m. | Reception
6 p.m. | Presentation
1.0 HSW LU
Free for all Members, Affiliates and Students
$20 for Non-Member Guest
The Center for Architecture and Design
50 West Town Street, Suite 110
Columbus, OH 43215
Speakers: Nadja Turek and Jacob Taylor
Nadja Turek
Nadja Turek, a civil engineer and sustainable design expert, serves as Woolpert’s Research and Development Facilitator. Capabilities she has spearheaded or enhanced in Woolpert Labs include resilient design and planning, airborne thermal imagery for energy auditing, scan to BIM technology, virtual reality and leveraging GIS for facility owners. An Air Force veteran, Mrs. Turek is a Fellow in the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME).
Jacob Taylor
Jake Taylor, a Project Manager in Heapy Engineering’s Building Optimization Group, has been involved in sustainability and energy reducing projects throughout the region. He’s personally utilized drones as a tool on multiple projects to accomplish thermography of roofs and building facades. Utilizing drones for thermography allows for unique perspectives unable to be gained otherwise as well as speeds up data collection. Jake has his Mechanical Engineering Master’s Degree in Renewable and Clean Energy from the University of Dayton and is an active member of the local AEE, ASHRAE, and USGBC Chapters.
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