March Design Lecture 2022

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Join us on March 22 for the March Design Lecture featuring Nathaniel Hudson!

This lecture is a presentation and discussion relating to alternative practice models being explored within the architectural profession. In particular, those which underpin the efforts of FormGrey Studio, LLC. The presentation introduces the concept that practice itself is a design, something that needs to be designed, critiqued, and then designed again in a never-ending cycle. These principals are important to the notions of resiliency and relevance as a profession at large in an ever-changing society. While many architectural presentations focus on what the firm or architect “has” done, this will largely focus on what the firm “is” doing, backed by historical context. Areas of interest to be covered during the presentation itself exist at the confluence of architectural design, fabrication, community activism, large scale art, and professional leadership.

March 22, 2022 at noon via Zoom
Earn 1.0 LU
Member: Free
Non-member: $10
Details will be sent prior to meeting.

Register here.

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