LEED Green Associate Exam Prep: April 23, 2010

 The U.S. Green Building Council has made a number of recent changes to the LEED examination required for accreditation. Green Associate is the Tier 1 achievement within the USGBC’s new LEED 2009 three-tiered accreditation sytem, and signifies a strong knowledge base of the principles of LEED Sustainable Design without the technical knowledge requirements of LEED AP+. 

Why should you attend this seminar?

  1. Unless you have past experience on a LEED project OR are employed in a sustainable field of work, it is a mandatory requirement that you attend a Green Associate Seminar before USGBC will issue you a LEED test date.
  2. All AIA members who attend the seminar will receive 8 Learning Units, 4 of which fulfill the Sustainable Design requirement.


Green Education Services’ LEED Certification Exam Prep will give you:

  • Eligibility to sit for the LEED Green Associate Exam
  • Information required to prepare for and pass the various LEED exams
  • FREE repeat attendance- before your exam or after if necessary
  • Interaction with experienced LEED AP Instructors
  • Full length practice exams written by the USGBC item writers
  • Valuable CEUs
  • Supplemental materials and printout of the Powerpoint
  • Descriptions of how to get your projects LEED Certified   

Visit www.greenedu.com to learn more.

Register by phone at 1-800-355-1751 or online here.


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