June Chapter Meeting: Repositioning – The Columbus Conversation


June Chapter Meeting: Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Following research from more than 31,000 touch points, AIA Columbus will hold a conversation with its membership regarding the results from the Repositioning initiative. Success of the Repositioning will depend on each person taking ownership of the mandate for change. This facilitated conversation will allow members to understand what the Repositioning is, and will help the initiative move forward with valuable member input. Members will choose from four categories the top three priorities they feel the AIA should focus on during this transition. 1.0 LU

Reception 4:45 PM
Conversation Begins 5:30 PM

Free for AIA Members to attend. Please register here, or call 614.469.1973. 

Please view the Repositioning video ahead of time. For your convenience, the video will be shown at 4:00 PM. 



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