Going Back to the Office? Part 2

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back to office part 2

Join us on August 17 for our session on Going Back to the Office: What you need to know tips, tricks, and best practices Part 2!

Many offices opened in late Spring, only to have to send employees back home to work remotely as COVID-19 cases surged in the Midwest. Join us for a moderated panel discussion to learn when and how to bring employees back safely. The panel will discuss HR considerations, how to make employees feel safe, and important factors to consider for the Fall.

August 17 at noon.

Earn 1.0 LU|HSW

Online meeting.


Details will be sent prior to meeting via Eventbrite.

Register here.

Moderator: Tim Hawk, FAIA

Speaker: Melanie Fairchild, Chris Meyers, AIA, and Tom Arends, AIA.

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