Designing for Health and Well-Being

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Part 1 of the Just the Basic Series.

Licensed architects and affiliated design professionals have, in their professional practice, a positive duty to protect the public’s health, safety, and welfare. As America’s healthcare expenses continue to rise and we rebuild post-pandemic, collaboration with public health professionals will be more critical than ever. In this course, you will hear from architects and public health professionals about opportunities to influence population health directly and indirectly through design. We will explore the basics of public health as it relates to architecture and describe six approaches any designer can apply to any project to think more intentionally about health promotion through a pre-recorded webinar followed by a discussion from local architects.

April 30 at noon

Earn 1.0 LU|HSW

AIA Members, Allied Members, and Students – Free

Non-member guests – $10

Details will be sent prior to meeting.

Register here.

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