Common Issues in Special Inspections

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Attendees will learn a basic knowledge of Geotechnical Exploration from drilling and laboratory testing to foundation engineering. Then the presentation moves into Construction Materials Testing from foundation installation to soil compaction, concrete, masonry, and structural steel testing services. Lunch will be served during the course.

Thursday, November 14, 2019
Noon – 1 p.m.
Free and lunch is included!

Earn 1.0 LU|HSW 

The Center for Architecture and Design
50 West Town Street, Suite 110
Columbus, OH 43215

Register here.

Speaker: Mehrdad Rowhani, PE, PMP, Senior Associate

Mehrdad Rowhani

Mehrdad Rowhanizadeh, MSCE, P.E., PMP, serves as Senior Geotechnical Engineer in Terracon’s Columbus, Ohio office.  He has over 16 years of experience in civil infrastructure projects and geotechnical explorations including design and construction of earth and rockfill dams, irrigation networks, water and waste water refineries and networks, retaining walls, roadways and bridges, residential and commercial buildings and transmission lines. He is experienced in design of shallow and deep foundations, soil stabilization methods, dewatering and excavation methods of underground structures, grouting and soil improvement methods as well. He is an expert in conducting geotechnical analyses such as seepage, settlement, slope stability and seismic analyses using numerical modeling tools.

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