ARE 4.0 Review Sessions

ARE Study Sessions 

ARE Study Sessions for 2016 have now ended. 


AIA Columbus is hosting ARE 4.0 Study Sessions! Join us on Saturday, September 17th for the next session, Building Design & Construction Systems, presented by Brent Foley, AIA, Principal at TRIAD Architects.

With the launch of ARE 5.0 coming this summer, ARE 4.0 exams will only be available in test centers through mid-2018, so don’t wait to start testing! Once ARE 5.0 launches, you will have the choice as to whether to keep testing in ARE 4.0 or transition to ARE 5.0, HOWEVER, once you transition to ARE 5.0, you have to finish all exams in ARE 5.0.
More information on the transition.


Breakfast and coffee provided.

The Center for Architecture & Design
50 West Town St., Suite 110
Columbus, OH 43215

Cost to attend:
Associate AIA Members  |  $15 per session
Non-AIA Members  |  $20 per session

Register here for the September 17th Session!


2016 Tentative Schedule:

April 9, 2016 | Structural Systems, led by David Holtzapple, of Korda Engineering

May 7, 2016 | *Construction Documents & Services, led by Lane Beougher, AIA, of the Ohio Facilities
                         Construction Commission

June 11, 2016 | *Programming, Planning, and Practice, led by Eric Pempus, AIA, Esq., of Oswald Companies

July 9, 2016 | Schematic Design, led by Sara Vandenbark, Associate Architect at the Ohio History Connection

August 20, 2016 | Site Planning & Design, led by Matt Toddy, AIA, at Design Collective

September 17, 2016 | Building Design & Construction Systems, led by Brent Foley, AIA, Principal at TRIAD Architects

Building Systems, led by John Kerr, P.E., LEED AP BD+C, of Prater Engineering

* The May and June sessions will be held at FMS Architects.
   995 W. 3rd Avenue, Columbus, OH 

Please email Jordan Iseler at [email protected], or call the office at 614-469-1973 with any questions.






AIA Columbus is pleased to announce we will be offering ARE Review Sessions again for 2014!


All sessions will be held:

The Center for Architecture & Design
50 West Town Street, Suite 110
Columbus, Ohio 43215

Saturday Mornings:
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM 

Cost to attend: 

Associate AIA Members | $15 per session
Non-AIA Members | $25 per session 

Session Schedule:

September 13, 2014 | Construction Documents and Services, led by Lane Beougher, AIA, of Ohio Facilities Construction Commission 

October 18, 2014 | Building Systems

November 8, 2014 | Structural Systems, led by Stan Fuller of Jezerinac Geers

January 10, 2015 | Building Design & Construction Systems, led by Brent Foley, AIA of Triad Architects | Practice Quiz

February 14, 2015 | Programming, Planning, and Practice 

March 14, 2015 | Site Planning & Design 

April 11 | Schematic Design 


For all sessions taking place throughout the state of Ohio, please visit this link.  


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