April Chapter Meeting: Cultivate Relationships that Lead to Work

Jean LeathersJean Leathers, president of Practice Clarity, works exclusively with architects, advising them on building business from new and existing clients. Practice Clarity helps architectural firms to clarify business purpose, establish marketplace position, and cultivate relationships that lead to work. 

Jean began her career at URS Cleveland and then transferred to San Francisco where she sold seismic engineering services, directed marketing, and eventually handled corporate communications and investor relations for URS Corporation. 

Jean has consulted to architectural, engineering and construction management firms for 20 years, advising on the strategic business development. She regularly speaks and presents workshops at AIA, SMPS and other professional associations, and is widely published in industry trade journals and newspapers. 

She is a former Guest Lecturer on Marketing in the MBA program at Case Western Reserve University’s Weatherhead School of Management, and earned a Bachelor’s Degree in English from the University of California, Berkeley. 

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