AIA/CES Provider Workshop – November 29, 2012

Be part of an audience-centered, informal and dialogue-friendly workshop experience for CES Registered Providers. This workshop will cover an overview of CES policies and procedures, CES Discovery Training, tips for developing learning objectives and effective PowerPoint’s so you can design your courses properly in the context of the CES policy, Quality Assurance, and much more! Discover what you as a Provider need to know based on recent changes and AIA member assessment results and how you can successfully develop and market your courses to AIA members in 2012. More information can be found here…

Thursday, November 29, 2012
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM 

The Builder’s Exchange
1175 Dublin Road
Columbus, Ohio 43215

Registration includes breakfast, lunch, and program materials. Seating limited intentionally to benefit you. So, mark your calendar and reserve your space

Title Sponsors



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