AIA Columbus awards 11 scholarships to KSA students

AIA Columbus awarded 11 scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students from the Knowlton School of Architecture (KSA) at The Ohio State University. A total of $15,250 was given.

Ten scholarships were given, one graduate and nine undergraduate students, under the COVID-19 Relief Scholarship Program to help students who need immediate financial help due to the pandemic. There were over 40 applicants with most applicants being BIPOC students. BIPOC students were strongly encouraged to apply. Congratulations to all the recipients!

  • Anthony Ortega
  • Ayham Asad
  • Angel Bautista
  • Tabarekallah Mousa
  • Santiago Rodriguez
  • Latifa Alagah
  • Caleb Crawley
  • Kendra Mosley
  • 2 undergraduate students

One scholarship was given to Suzy Demeritte, a graduate student, as part of KSA’s Associateship scholarship. The KSA Associateship scholarship provides students work experience as well as financial support.

Thank you to everyone who donated to AIA Columbus’ scholarship fund! They include AIA Ohio Foundation, SMBH, Prater Engineering Associates, Pella Windows & Doors of Columbus, Meyers + Associates Architecture, Jezerinac Geers & Associates, and the AIA 2020 Component Matching Scholarship Grant program along with donations from our members and supporting individuals.

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