2030 Commitment: Implementing an Effective Sustainability Action Plan

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Does your organization have goals for sustainability or a plan to achieve sustainability outcomes over time? Do you know how your company will manage the impacts of severe weather, power outages, or pandemics in the future, for your firm or your clients? This workshop can help you regardless of your current state. Some companies are starting from zero and want to create and implement a sustainability initiative or Climate Action Plan. Others are at the “random acts” of sustainability stage where a bunch of good things are happening, but you want to take it to the next level, or formalize and institutionalize the program to achieve design excellence. Some firms need to figure out (or re-evaluate) their approach to sustainability leadership, whether one Sustainability Director is the best fit, or another model would be better.  If your company is not yet a signatory of the AIA 2030 Commitment, this session will help you develop the content of the required SAP (sustainability action plan) which will be an invaluable tool to differentiate your firm in a competitive market. This workshop helps participants understand both “the what” and “the how” of creating an effective plan and implementation roadmap including how to get buy-in and overcome organizational silos. If you are not yet sure about the 2030 Commitment, this workshop will give you a deeper understanding of the program and what it would mean in your practice.

Barbra BatShalom is the founder and Executive Director of the nonprofit Sustainable Performance Institute, CEO of BuildingEase and past founder and president of the USGBC Affiliate in Massachusetts which she ran for 9 years. She’s an industry leader whose vision drives market transformation from public policy to professional practice. Her work focuses on the intersection of systems, processes and culture. With a diverse background of fine arts, social psychology and 25+ years in architecture and sustainability consulting, she brings a variety of skills to her work and a unique perspective engaging the human dynamics of decision-making and creative collaboration to technical work. She’s an educator, management consultant and change agent working with a wide range of governmental, institutional and private sector organizations to help them institutionalize sustainability and achieve measurable improvements in performance and profitability. Barbra taught Sustainable RE Development at Brandeis’ International Business school, guest lectured MIT, BU and Babson and now teaches Leadership for Sustainability at the BAC. She provides management consulting to a variety of corporate clients within and outside of our industry. She’s served on numerous boards (including Chair of USGBC MA Chapter BE+) mindfulMaterials, Carbon Leadership Forum and governmental task forces to help develop public and corporate policies for sustainability and volunteered with AIA for the 2030 Commitment program.

June 15, 2023
12-1 PM via Zoom

Earn 1.0 LU|HSW
AIA Members and Allied Members: Free
Non-Members: $10

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