2030 Challenge: Goals and Design Processes

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Join us on July 26 to learn more about the 2030 Challenge!  This webinar course is the first of the 2030 Challenge: Goals and Design Processes series by AIA. This interactive session will also feature local architects who have signed the 2030 Challenge and are working toward the 2030 Challenge targets.

The building sector is the single largest consumer of energy and producer of greenhouse gas emissions. The 2030 Challenge, adopted by the AIA, provides a path to reducing our sector’s negative impacts and reaching carbon neutral design as the standard practice. This series will inspire architects to meet the 2030 Challenge through design strategies, efficient technologies, and systems, and applying renewable energy resources.

The design process is an important element in the creation of next-generation buildings that meet the 2030 Challenge targets. In the first course of the AIA+2030 Online Series, we will explore the design processes to produce high-performance and carbon neutral buildings, including the Integrative Design Process (IDP). We will explore collaborative strategies that can achieve low energy outcomes, and how these strategies can be used as a roadmap throughout the design process. In particular, we will examine defining core, early design decisions such as building form and orientation.

July 26 at noon via Zoom

Earn 2.0 LU | HSW

AIA Members, Allied Members, and Students – Free

Non-member guests – $10

Details will be sent prior to the meeting via EventBrite.

Register here.

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