Erin Reilly-Sanders, AIA, Project Architect at Legat is seeking the office of President-Elect. Dan Hanes, AIA, Managing Member at The Columbus Architectural Studio is seeking the office of Treasurer. Brian Peterson, AIA, Senior Architect at Meyers + Associates is seeking the office of Secretary. Bharat Baste, AIA, COO and Architect at BBCO Design, Nicholas Bittner, AIA, CFO and Principal Architect at BDT Architects and Designers, and Amy Kaspar, AIA, Senior Architect at Wendy’s are all seeking to fill two-year terms as Directors.
Special Note: All members will have an opportunity to view a recording of the annual meeting and vote. Online voting will commence November 13 through November 19. Members will receive an email with voting instructions before and during the voting period. We’re excited for the coming year!
View Info About the Annual Business Meeting Here
AIA Columbus Leadership Transition
For 2025, Hannah Evwaraye, AIA, and Jennifer Rittler, AIA, will remain in their respective roles as President and Past President. The President-Elect resigned and is unable to fulfill their term on the Board. The Board voted unanimously to endorse this transition. Many thanks to Hannah and Jennifer for their continued service as we advance our mission to design a better world.